SO I did end up taking the job in
Falmouth, Kentucky. That is pronounced
Fal Muth not Foul Mouth. I am the only chiropractor in the County! I am really enjoying it. I am learning a bunch as well. the owners of the Office come in once a week and check up and pay bills as well as do a little training for me and the rest of the office. I didn't think I would like it but I actually look forward to their advice. It is helping me be more efficient as well as more profitable.
I got my medicare number in record time. only took like three weeks! That may not seem like much to most of you reading this but they prepared me for like 6 months! so it was way fast. It basically means I am closer to making more money faster. Not that medicare pays much. it doesn't but when I am on with the major insurers then I will be getting a percentage of the profits rather that a salary. but whatever.
I also am becoming very involved with the city of
Falmouth. I am on the "
Falmouth Festival Committee" which means I help plan city wide events throughout the year. We are getting ready to have our 2
nd annual Mud Wrestling tournament. It may sound silly but it is a lot of fun! There will also be 2 live bands, a bunch of vendors, including
Falmouth Chiropractic Center and Aunt Thelma's Caramel Corn. Both of which I have a vested interest. I will be running the kids games which will include a frog hop race where the kids make frogs jump to the end of the track. A hula hoop contest and a sand castle contest. There will also be a
Cornhole tournament. It should be fun. it is on June 6
I also have joined the
Falmouth Chapter of the Lions Club. It is a club that works mostly to make sure that people of all ages have the necessary vision correction, (glasses for those who need them). It is a worthy cause and I am meeting some great people. We have an event coming up where we are going to be doing some screenings for preschoolers for free! anyone can call a lions club and get
your church or daycare to have the same done in your area!
The only negative thing about the the job is the distance. It takes about and hour and a half to get to work. If I go one way it is close to a hundred miles. if I go the shorter way it is only 75 but much more slower as it goes through the little hills and back country. Either way is
gorgeous right now. Spring is Kentucky can't be beat!

I also have been trapped by one of the people on the way to work. There is this little house with about 3 acres of road frontage that is all covered with iris, there is all

different kinds and colors. The other day she had a sign out that they were for sale. so I stopped and talked to the cutest little old lady and she said to walk around and pick out which ones I liked and in July when the bulbs split she would label them and call me. I ordered 17. I met someone else who said she would give me for free any I wanted of her 400 different kinds. and I got 8 more. Both will probably send a bunch of other at the same time. I am
probably going to end up with around 40 different kinds of iris! I am excited for next year! Also the second lady said I could come back in a few weeks and pick out any and as many
kinds of day lilies I wanted. cool huh!
The kids are doing well. Check Sharon's
blog for more details.
oh yeah and Sharon and I close on a house on the 17
th of June!