Friday, May 23, 2008


I got the blues. I got the blues
I got the aint got no job blues
I got the I hate looking for jobs to pay the bills blues real bad blues.

Now go back and read that in your best blues sing song voice.

ok so really it isn't that bad but I really do hate looking for jobs. IF anybody has got a suggestion for something to do until I get licensed as a Chiropractor in Dec. let me know. I basically need and extended summer job. or what are the good job listing websites?

This is supposed to be an exciting time of life. I should be all excited about graduating and becoming a productive member of society but instead I am filled with dread. I can't do what I have been trained to do. It sucks. Graduation or not it isn't really "all that" right now

1 comment:

grapeape said...

welcome to real life. :) don't always get to do what you've been schooled/trained to do. one of the many hard knocks that comes with providing for your family. job hunting is a royal pain, but you can dooooo iiiiit!! :) you'll be in our prayers...

oh, where do you find your cool art/photos for the heading of your blog?